Predictive models in biomedical research: innovative statistical methods for driving personalized medicine

In this project, we study, design and develop temporal Bayesian networks, dynamic Bayesian networks and continuous time Bayesian networks for predicting the temporal evolution of brain injury and endometriosis diseases.

Grant: PRIN Timeline: 2023-2025 Role: Coordinator of the DISCo Research Unit

MG-PerMed – Personalising myasthenia gravis medicine: from “onefits-all” to patient-specific immunosuppression

In this project, we study and develop artificial intelligence and machine learning models for dynamic treatment regimes for patients suffering from myasthenia gravis. If you want to know more, please have a look at this page.

Grant: EraPERMed Timeline: 2023-2026 Role: Principal Investigator

ANTHEM – AdvaNced Technologies for Human CentrEd Medicine

In this project, We study, design and develop dynamic Bayesian networks for modeling the temporal evolution of neurodegenerative diseases, with specific reference to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. If you want to know more, please have a look at this page.

Grant: PNRR Timeline: 2022-2026 Role: Coordinator of the DISCo Research Unit for (Spoke 1)

ROSANNA – pRedicting cardiOvascular diSeAses iN adolescent and young breast caNcer pAtients

In this project, funded by Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori of Milano, we study, design and develop Bayesian causal models for predicting the short/medium horizon cardiovascular risk of adolescent and young adults diagnosed with breast cancer, after being treated by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Grant: PRIN Timeline: 2021-2025 Role: Coordinator of the DISCo Research Unit

HUMAN GUT BAY – Studying the mechanism regulating the HUMAN GUT microbiome and its impact on host health using BAYesian networks

This project, funded by, has the aim of studying the mechanism regulating the human gut microbiome and its impact on host health using the Bayesian Networks framework.

Grant: MINUTIA.AI Timeline: 2023-2026 Role: Principal Investigator

IDEA4RC – Idea For Rare Cancers

IDEA4RC is a Horizon Europe project led by Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (Milan, Italy). IDEA4RC aims to develop an IT infrastructure to facilitate the sharing and re-use health data among clinical centers to promote research on rare cancers and improve patients’ access to high-quality care.

Grant: HORIZON Timeline: 2022-2026 Role: Coordinator of the DISCo Research Unit

CFI-Countering Foreign Interference

Funded by the European Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), a multidisciplinary research project for sociologists, anthropologists, linguists, and computer scientists, to design and develop a methodology to estimate the threat level of information environments. If you want to know more, please have a look at this page.

Grant: EUISS Timeline: 2023-2025 Role: Principal Investigator